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Please not that Elvin Brandhi had to cancel because of illness. gertie adelaido will fill her slot.
Doors: 20:30
Born and raised in Jordan, DJ and producer Yazan Zyadat, aka Toumba, is now based inLondon, where he fashions lithe club bangers that melt Middle Eastern elements withdubstep basslines and clattering breaks. Last year he experienced a flurry of interest whenBen UFO’s Hessle Audio label released his “Petals” EP and Zyadat was able to broadcasthis unique sounds on a larger platform. Tonally ambitious and deviously percussive, hismusic takes the essence of Arabic tarab and shelat forms (often seen as wedding music)and dilutes it in a dance floor-ready roil of booming bass and dissociated synths.

gertie adelaido is a non-binary open channel, sound experimentalist, artist and meta-punk & ADHD-core creator. Through the heart of chaos they combine different areas of harsh noise, raw experimental sound, their hardcore, metal & screamo roots, contemporary electronics, drums and blending it all to contemporary finished mix. gertie’s work might be a bit troublemaker in general since for HC it’s too experimental and for experimental too HC, but the final piece is an unique genre crossover and its expression of contexts. They scream, they sing, modulate voice, but most importantly they spread a message, fight for human and animal rights, all accompanied by harsh yet fragile melancholy. Gertie’s debut album ‘IMMORTALITY BETWEEN PARANOIA AND VIRUS’ will be out in early 2024, but presented almost the whole album already when supported Xiu Xiu, Leya, Dreamcrusher or at Creepy Teepee, Fluff Fest, No Glucose Festival and more.
Born and raised in Egypt’s crowded and disordered capital Cairo, Assyouti is among his generation’s most distinct DJs and producers. Juggling hypermodern bass mutations, warped dancefloor snaps and percussive club experiments, he draws energy from the chaotic stimulus he grew up engulfed by, routing it into refined productions and elegant selections. Since 2021 he’s been based in Berlin and has quickly gained local traction, appearing at venues like the legendary club Tresor, RSO, OHM, and Trauma Bar, as well as cult streaming hubs like Cashmere Radio. He has also performed at renowned music festivals like Berlin’s CTM and Uganda’s Nyege Nyege.
ENESI M. live
Enesi M. is a vocalist, songwriter and aspiring producer who fuses heavy metal sounds with hip hop, electronic, reggaeton and baile funk rhythms. She pairs harsh, guttural vocals with raps and sung harmonies while refusing to conform to one genre and going through the whole spectrum of emotions lyrically.

Polyrhythmic finks, broken beats and atmospheric textures – Based out of Graz, Austria, Toupaz has been quietly carving out his own lane in the leftfield techno & bass music world. Distinct, detailed and fundamentally genre-fluid, his oddball productions cross a range of stylistic influences and tempos, purpose built for the explorative DJ. The results are playful tracks with physical impact.
মm. (read: mwo, just like the Bangla alphabet) is a DJ, curator and community organizer based in dhaka & vienna, working towards queer, BIPOC-focused dance-floors and tracing musical solidarities and exchanges rooted in the global South and its diasporas. Their mixes are all about percussions, rhythms, dance and nostalgia. They are founding members of the dhaka-based karkhana collective and vienna-based Spice Mixers.
Yuzu is the alias of Sofia-born & Vienna-based composer and transdisciplinary artist Milena Georgieva. Seeking a fluid, unbound sense of sound and listening she uses mixing strategies that bring forward unexpected musical parallels and symbiotics and expand a dj-set beyond genres and bpm’s. Building up and releasing tension, while oscillating between airy and dense textures, concrete and defragmented, irregular and straight rhythms, hi and lo tempo and so steering through happy, dark, ecstatic, restless, abstract and zesty flows. Beats ragingly dissolve into hypnotic ambiences, hymnic angels arise to usher in flames of noise.