“After the mix, when my obstinate body has calmed, I look at the tracklist for the buds to burst into a random poem, a spikey oracle made of desired truths in and over time, shared by dearly accomplices to fold and flow out: catch the bone, lick the vessel, stamp on sleek ideologies (we learned: no, nothing, never), love, don’t stop the tear in a rough side aspect, melt your little finger in the power connection of the synthesizer, laugh as it goes, apply your glamy wisdom if foam appears on the backyard of your memory drive, in today’s lesson let me sing to you:
A Nomad, an Infantile, Artificial
Life of Unloved Handsome Weimar
22, there are Cracks in the Iron
Lung, in the Vineland Vihollinen
Come to sit, come to refuse,
come to surround the T 3.4 Siege
another Death Chant 3 and Alkisah
Suatu Negeri When the Bridge
Speaks Lxgrin 3 Blende Gray
Cross Sounding Heaven in Shofar X 17”