

“Processes of production without negativity are utopian and historically unrealistic, like the absolute libido in repetitive music. Trance music’s false-freedom from dialectics is, as the fantasy world of Techno, merely repressive sublimation in the service of late capitalism, ergo the authoritarian character. Its nonteological repetition mirrors in sound the seductive and libidinal, exalting moment-to-moment intensity over narrative, repetition over dialectics, unbounded and goalless desire-production over Oedipal stories of castration and lack. From its conception based on auto-negation to its instrumentalisation in physical or digital form, the new body of work by Daniel Hartl and Julian Derkits present in this live mix is nothing less than the adaptation of foreign stasis to a highly organised, rhythmic and structured domesticated sensitivity at your service.”

Text by Felipe Duque @afelipeduque