Hui Ye

(c) Omri Sébbastien Livne
(c) Markus Gradwohl

Hui Ye (born in Guangzhou, CN) is an artist and composer based in Vienna. 

She works with different media including experimental documentary, video and audio installation, and often focuses on the socio-political aspects of sound and music culture with the intention of exploring the diverse correlations between sonic culture and contemporary societies.

In her live sound performances, Ye uses computer-generated noises as well as TTS (Text-to-Speech) speeches which are produced by programming errors and AI-based voice synthesis. These will be triggered erratically and subsequently assigned to an multi-channel audio system in order to form an impulsive, spatial soundscape. 

Hui Ye is laureate of the Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2018 and her works have been recently presented at Kunsthalle Wien (AT), Museo Palacio Dionisi (ARG), WRO Media Art Biennial (PL) and Times Museum (CN).