Gaia Ginevra Giorgi

Gaia Ginevra Giorgi is an Italian artist and researcher working within the field of performing arts and sound-art. Her practice integrates writing, sound, voice, and performative devices. Drawing from a feminist, ecological, and situated approach, she develops investigative methodologies aimed at an affective and political rewriting of archives and landscapes, understood as territories of manipulation and power, but also as potential tools for counter-narration. Her interventions—whether performances, installations, or workshop-based projects—ephemeral habitats, spaces for embodied and radical imagination.

She is curator of the monthly radio shows Walk so silently that the Bottoms of your feet becomes ears (Fango Radio), and Haunt (Radio Raheem). Her work has been presented in institutions and festivals including Short Theatre (Rome), TBA21-Academy (Venice), Swiss Institute (Milan), Santarcangelo Festival, Schlachthaus Theater (Bern), Espacio FundaciSchirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Barcelona Poesia, Fondazione Antonio Ratti (Como), Romaeuropa (Rome), Lavanderie a Vapore (Turin).

Her current research explores hauntological practices through sonic, vocal, and performative lenses, focusing on their political potential to shape and generate alternative futures. She examines the relationships between archival documents, immaterial traces, ghosts, and heritage. Currently in Vienna, where she holds a research fellowship with IIC in collaboration with Universitf angewandte