“I miss a certain calmness between everything …”
Hello, how are you?
I feel quite ok. Thx for asking !
Where are you right now?
In my studio room in Vienna.
Which sounds surround you?
I hear a recording of a bunch of different wild birds – David S. and me did that recording a few days ago in a park – it’s currently playing at 25% (slowed down) in the background. It’s quite relaxing ….
Have you been productive so far? What are you working on?
It’s def. harder to focus. But I had some moments…
Here is a rough sketch from an improv. session with a new AV sculpture I am currently working on with Patrik Lechner and Mathias Lenz:
What inspires you right now?
Besides that, I got into doing field-recordings again, without purpose, just for being out there and keeping my mouth shut. And since there are only a few planes, it’s a nice way to spend time with friends outdoors and in mutual understanding.
Reading material you can recommend?
Here are some books that I found worth reading during the last months (randomly thought of) :
Paul B. Preciado “Testo Junky”
Didier Eribon “Rückkehr nach Reims”
Ocean Vuong “On earth we are briefly gorgeous”
Christa Wolf “Medea. Stimmen”
To listen?
The international nothing : In doubt we trust
Sonoscopia : Disposofonicós (free DL on bandcamp)
To watch?
Nope, it was and is simply too much !
What’s your opinion on live-streams? You see any alternative ways to support the music community?
I personally didn’t use streams, so I can not say much about it.
I know that some bigger streams are generating quite good cash and are able to pay really good fees to artists … but mostly these are venues, houses or communities that had a pretty serious cashflow going on before anyway … so nothing that applies to sub- or counterculture where it’s more the social aspect that is/was for sure very important for many people during these times. I find it worth pointing out that almost nothing changed within the basic infrastructure of music-culture while going into the exile of the digital realm somehow – even-though this is not surprising at all, it still tells you quite a lot.
To support small artists and labels one can use Bandcamp and listen or purchase music that was created for the purpose of simply being heard …
What are you missing most? What are you afraid of?
I miss a certain calmness between everything …
What will change you think?

What is the gig or occasion you were most looking for, that was cancelled in this period?
I should have developed music for a new piece of Philipp Gehmacher at this years Wiener Festwochen.…. after the premier, Patrik Lechner and me would have done a residency and a presentation of a new kinetic-AV-work at SAT Montreal in June.
Both got postponed to 2021 and not entirely cancelled (fingers crossed) – so this answer was sort of a lie…
but these were my two main-things, also income-wise in 2020 …
Are you till able to pay your rent ?
But due to the content of my last answer it’s a bit unclear right now, how things will develop over the next months – same as for most freelance artists in a wealthy 1st world country … all due to ‘force-majeur’ …
